Saturday, August 27, 2011

Princess Party Fundraiser

Today the three youngest kids and I went out to White Rock for a big Princess Party Fundraiser.   Klausine was already there helping grandma set up.  I think they were raising money for local firefighters??

Anyway there were about 150 little princesses there all dressed up and looking adorable.  There were tables set up where they got sparkle extensions and a sparkle make-up booth.  They got to do a cake walk, make cookies and a few different crafts.  There was also an adorable interactive play date with Cinderella where she danced and read books with all the girls. 
A big thanks to the kids grandma Jeanette for inviting us!

I took  bunch of pictures and some video, here are the highlights

getting sparkly hair
Calleigh getting make-up

Klausine getting make up

Georgia  waiting patiently for make up
Beautiful princess Georgia!

Cousin Charlette getting make up

Princess Calleigh
Pictures with Cinderella
Charlette thinks I'm funny :-)
A sea of princesses
The Prince ;-)
She said she wasn't tired but her time out in my bed turned into a 2 hour nap.  Silly Princess.

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