Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Beautiful baby

The Canadian baby photographers came today to do Cali's pictures. I have been telling myself for days that I will not buy any more pictures other than the big montage that we have of all the other kids. It only took about four pictures before I could see the money floating out of my pocket and into his. She is so smiley and fat that I know I won't be able to resist buying more than I need! The cutest one was her in a diaper with a tu tu and a furry hair band.
This is a very exciting day in the Hicks house, we are getting the carpets cleaned!!! They were poorly cleaned when we moved in a year ago and are absolutely filthy now. I had a free coupon for a 12x12 room so I figured while we are at it may as well do the rest. I am a little embarrassed for them to see the state of out carpet. I didn't realize how bad it was until we were moving furniture around and vacuuming last night. I hope they've seen worse...
I got the washed and folded laundry back this morning. What a great use of $40!! All six huge baskets perfectly folded, ready to be put away. I love it!!!
Xavier and Klausine are going for their first Taekwondo class tonight. I should have some cute pictures to post of that!
Time to go play outside on the trampoline, more later...

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